Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My very first try at baking bread

Once about 15 years ago I tried my hand at making a loaf of homemade bread. I failed horribly! I got inspired by reading my friend's blog about this recipe she read about in the paper & how easy it was. So, off I go googling artisan bread recipe & found this sourdough bread. It is so easy & it looks like you sent hours kneading. I am now whipping up a few more loaves for our library's bake good sale this weekend.

I hope I inspired some to try baking bread!


  1. I've baked my own bread once, it was unbelievably soft and tasty and i loved the way the house smelled of bread baking...just wonderful.

  2. I made bread last week for the first time - it was ok, but not great. So, I bought a book and will be trying again tomorrow. I'm very excited about this.
